Great careers are made through great efforts and hard work. When you have quality you need a proper guidance to take you in a right direction. Sometimes people with quality don’t get chance in life to grow and they get into burden of disappointment. But everyone deserves a second chance. Competitive scores decides which college you will get for graduation. So here is the chance for people who aspire to become engineer,We are providing direct admission in VIT university through management quota and vacant seats. Your search for college ends here. Get direct admission in VIT university and make your dream of becoming an engineer true.
VIT(Vellore Engineering College) was established in July 1984.The founder of this institution is Dr. G. Viswanathan. He is a former parliamentarian and minister in the government of Tamil Nadu whose work can be seen through the quality of education provided. Now the college is a deemed university. The VIT college has another campus in Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh other than in Chennai.VIT was the first educational institution in India to be awarded ISO certificate for three years for management of the cultural festival ‘Riviera’ in 2011. For maintaining exceptional quality of education VIT become the first educational institution which was honoured with the TVN-KIDAO-NIQR award instituted by the NIQR. VIT has become the first institute to had ABET accreditation for its civil engineering mechanisms and now for other Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Information Science and Electrical and Electronics Engineering programs since academic year 2012. The college is the place where you can start your journey of becoming an engineer. To transcend your dreams into reality you must take admission in VIT university. You can also take direct admission in VIT University in 2017 batch
This will be the life in VIT university, and admission in this university might be a step which will change your life. For direct admission in VIT university this is the right time for you.
Courses Offered For Graduation –
Courses Offered For Postgraduate And Research –
The research in these fields have shown potential that VIT university is promising its growth for the future. In terms of research paper IIT and IISc Bangalore is ranked as 1st, according to the reports of Scopus. VIT university is ranked as 2nd in Bangalore in terms of research paper. This has proved that VIT university is a promising institute which is contributing its share of development in technology.
To avail your opportunity for the admission in VIT university contact us. We will provide you guidance for the direct admission in VIT university in 2017.